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Wireless Safety is YOUR Responsibility!


Wireless safety should be your main priority every time you visit a public WiFi hotspot. Not only are you joining the same wireless network and sharing the same wireless signal with everyone around you, but you may also be sharing YOUR personal documents right from your wireless device for everyone to see! By reading and practicing these 5 simple steps, you can prevent not only snooping eyes from wandering where they shouldn’t be, but also help prevent nasty things from happening to your wireless device.


1.) Never leave your device unattended.

Although you may only be gone for mere seconds, a person can quickly grab your device and be out of sight with it for good, never to be seen again. So, when you have your device with you, treat it like your wallet – close to you, or on your person at all times.


2.) Always use your device’s firewall.

Although there are 2 forms of a firewall, hardware-based and software-based, almost all wireless devices use a software-based firewall. This piece of software helps protect your device from giving uninvited guests access to your files and folders that may contain personal information. It is always recommended that when you are connected to the Internet, regardless of it being wired or wireless, that your firewall is always ENABLED. You should consult your device's user manual or contact an individual who is familiar with computers and firewalls.


3.) Disable File Sharing

While rule #2 helps prevent snooping eyes from gaining access to your device, disabling file sharing permanently seals the deal for your protection. File Sharing is your devices way of allowing everyone on a network to see what your files and folders are and what they contain. For many of us, most of our files and folders contain non-sensitive materials. However, there are some of us who do store personal and valuable files on our devices that may be used against you if they fall into the wrong hands or are viewed by the wrong people. Before you ever connect to any network, make sure you have your file share option DISABLED if you wish to keep your files and folders private from everyone else.


4.) Avoid typing sensitive information

The ease of access to the Internet that a wireless networks gives you also means that it's the perfect setup for cyber criminals to steal credit cards numbers, passwords, personal information, etc. So to help avoid the headaches of becoming a victim of identity theft, simply avoid performing any financial transactions, filling out online applications that require personal information, or visit any website that appears to be phony. If you must do any of these actions, please be mindful that you are taking a risk of others seeing that information being typed in. The best way to always verify that the site you are on is secure, an especially important tip for WiFi users, is by looking for HTTPS://. As you may guess, the S stands for secure and is the only true way of knowing that information sent to a website over a wireless network will make it safely to the intended receiver.


5.) Turn off your device’s wireless connection

While the thought of disabling your device's wireless card or antenna may have never occurred to you, now is the best time to start practicing it. Disabling your wireless card or antenna when it’s not in use ensures that the wireless connection that ties your device to the WiFi network is permanently cut from everyone. Doing so is the only method to ensure that no one has unwanted access to your device, and that no nasty net surprises will come into your device. The other advantage to doing this is that you save your device's battery life, which means extra time to do those other favorite things you enjoy doing on your device.


Ultimately, WiFi responsibility is left up to you. When you use our WiFi service, you’re doing so with the understanding that anything could and can happen to you or your device that you may not want to happen. If you are uncertain about any of the tips we have provided here, would like a better explanation of them, or need further, LIMITED assistance in getting started with our WiFi service, please stop by the Circulation Desk during normal business hours, or click on the WiFi ZONE @kleberglibrary logo on the Home Page to access additional WiFi Safety Tips and Resources for FREE!



Your Personal Safety is YOUR Life!


At The Robert J. Kleberg Public Library, patron safety is always top priority, both inside and outside our facility. At times though, there is always someone who thinks they can get away with a petty crime, which brings unwanted headaches to the person that falls victim to it. Just like there are WiFi safety tips you can follow to keep your device safe, there are also personal safety tips you can follow to help keep yourself and others safe from crime, especially when you decide to use our WiFi services before and after hours.


1.) Never leave your belongings unattended.

This includes purses, wallets, backpacks, electronic devices, etc. In a matter of minutes your entire world can be turned upside down if any of these items were stolen from you, and although you may want to chase the criminal down, the smart thing to do is immediately report it to our staff. Library Staff are trained to properly handle situations like these, so just remain calm, let them help you sort things out, and if necessary, contact law enforcement.


2.) Always lock your vehicle, both day and night.

You may only be staying for a few minutes, but again, in that short amount of time someone can steal your belongings, steal your vehicle, or worst, hide in your vehicle. So whether you are going inside to drop books off, or staying a few minutes to use our WiFi services at night, LOCK YOUR VEHICLE! And most importantly, NEVER leave your car running alone for any reason whatsoever!


3.) When visiting the library at night, be aware.

Our Dusk-to-Dawn Security Lighting does its very best to provide adequate lighting for your convenience and security, but that doesn’t mean that it will stop someone from following you or hiding out. So, if you are walking at night, always be looking around, and if you are exiting a vehicle, make sure you do so with your body facing forward so that you get an instant view of the area around you. If you see something or notice someone suspicious, walk away in the opposite direction and do not go back. If you are being followed, dial a friend and have them stay on the phone with you until you can get to a safe area. If you are being followed by a group of people, do not hesitate – immediately dial 911!


4.) Know when to call it a night and when to return.

Although we offer the public FREE wireless internet access, that doesn’t mean you need to be here after closing hours. The best time to call it quits for the night is just after 7:00 PM, and the best time to return is shortly before 7:00 AM to utilize this service. The reason for this is that most suspicious activity occurs between 7 PM and 7 AM, and although police perform periodic passes of the area, that doesn’t mean they will be in the right place at the right time. Use common sense and listen to your conscience – when it says it’s time to go home, then go home.

5.) Travel in groups for safety.

There is much truth in the saying, “Safety in Numbers”. And though it may be a hassle trying to buy pizza for everyone that comes with you to the library in your group, there is no price on the influence everyone has as a group when they deter criminal activity. It is a proven fact that criminal and suspicious activities are less likely to occur in an area that has a large number of people, and no criminal is going to want to have 10 witnesses to a crime, let alone 10 hungry witnesses that are willing to kill for food! We mean that jokingly of course.


The most important thing to always remember is that when you suspect you are about to be a victim or witness a crime, immediately contact our Library Staff, or if after hours, dial 911. Remember – Safety is YOUR most important call!

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